Point of View
A Study in Perspective Drawing
By David C. Opheim

Perspective Drawing1 point 2 point 3 point perspectivedrawing depth distance angles lines shadowsreflections and shadows reflection shadow sketchsketching perspective diagrams drafting

Perspective Drawing is the Greatest thing since Ice Cream!
  It is a learned skill. Practice it.... Put it to use.... It's Easy!  

I have taught perspective drawing for almost 40 years. In all that time I was never able to find a comprehensive textbook that works. I solved this by writing a supplement in syllabus form. The syllabus eventually grew until it became the text. Students often encouraged me to produce this syllabus in book form. I thank them for their encouragement, and it is to them, that I dedicate this book. I am now able to offer it to all students who are studying Perspective Drawing.

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Ebook:179 pp ~ 3.9 MB
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